Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Constant Gardner Returns: Liftoff !

I feel like an old hand at this gardening stuff now after my bumper crop last year. And, I am pleased that I got my seedlings into the ground and things are moving along.

However, I am also finding out there is still more to learn this time around, despite my new found knowledge. As usual click each photo for a better view.

Despite a continuation of drought conditions in this area, my seeds have sprung to life and growing.

The tomatoes are leading the pack followed by the cucumbers. If you look closely at the photo below you can see the beginnings of a few tiny cucumbers.

I'm really glad Daddy let drop a few words of wisdom when he questioned last year that I was planting without the moon. At that time I found it odd and thought it was a little gamesmanship on his part. But, I did a little research and found out there is a body of knowledge that supports his statement.

Evidently planting by the moon is as old as man and some people swear by it. For plants that grow above ground it is thought that planting them during a waxing moon will encourage growth as this exposes plants to the longest period of moon light.

So I guess I did something right when I planted my seeds and seedlings. When I told Daddy this he just smiled with a caginess that said he might be old but time and tide were on his side in this competition.

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