Saturday, May 7, 2011

The Constant Gardner Returns: The Tortoise Awakens

I have been basking in the glow of my garden and a constant stream of harvested veggies and one day spied on my competition to discover that the tortoise has finally jumped into action. As usual click each photo for a better view.

Daddy has grown all his seedlings from scratch and in a little corner of his back yard has a big group of young plants ready to begin his garden. He is a slick old devil because he said nothing but quietly began his work.

He has a good mixture with lots of tomatoes, his favorite okra, and of course summer greens.

The tortoise is now a force to be reckoned with because he has quietly entered the competition.

Me, the hare, with my trusty sidekick Sunny-Girl have seen my garden take off nicely.

We have been feasting on a weekly diet of Georgia Collards...

and waiting on a huge crop of tomatoes to ripen.

(I couldn't resist the shot on the right because the tomatoes look more like little apples than tomatoes).

I recently learned tomatoes have gone up so much in price that bandits are now hijacking trucks loaded with Florida tomatoes. I guess Sunny-Girl will earn her doggie food by being on patrol. I just hope they don't out bid me and bribe her with doggie treats.

The Cucumbers, while the vines are not as big as they were last year are producing bigger fruit than before.

We even have the beginnings of Crimson watermelon plants, that will very soon turn into the sweet treat you see below.

Only time will tell what the old Constant Gardener has up his sleeves for the new Constant Gardner, but this little hare is still running as fast as she can. I'll say it again: "Don't look back, he might be gaining on you!"


  1. Congratulations, Sunny-Girl ! If the tortoise won, I'm sure it was only by a head ! (but there's no evidence of that...)
    How about showing us the tortoise's garden ? Who knows, your tomatoes might be blushing with confusion ... (bad boy !)

  2. JLBO,
    The seedlings in the pots ARE the tortoise's garden so far. But don't let that fool you. Last year he got a late start and had a huge crop well into the Winter. He starts late but always manages to catch me!
