Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Raised Garden Project 4

I have been learning fast as the raised garden takes shape. A few tips have also come into play to make the task even more fun than I had expected.  Click each photo for a better view.

I planned to let the seedlings grow in size before moving them to the raised box, but following the success of the experimental squash planting, after the initial trauma of the move, they seemed to do quite well so I was willing to go ahead with the other seedlings. 

I'm learning as I go and have discovered that used coffee grounds around the edges of the box deters pests, and letting used grounds sit in water a few days and then watering the plants with that water also deters various fungus. So a few words to a dedicated coffee drinker, Corey Miller: Who knew...?

I was also been helped by the data mining of my friends over at Pinterest. They have been sending me pins on gardening and a very interesting one caught my eye. Basically, if you use a 2 liter pop bottle when the seedlings are young and bury it strategically near them, it allows you to water into the soil and not from above.

My suggestion is to use fewer holes than shown in the picture. Getting the bottles had an interesting twist because I don't drink sodas and discovered few of my friends do as well. But a plastic juice bottle seemed to work as well. Also to my surprise the difficult part was making the holes. The bottles I discovered are pretty sturdy. I ended up using a wine screw. A girl's gotta drink something other than juice and water...

What really surprised me was how well it worked. if you limit the number of holes it acts as a slow release of water that the plants almost instinctively look for. Watering this way cuts down even more on the amount of water needed to grow your veggies. And, there is no waiting for water to reach the roots so less water is lost to evaporation. I experimented with one and plan to install more now that I understand how to do it and the number and distribution of the holes for each bottle. 

I will end by saying the plan to use the garden for stress reduction is definitely working. Weeding and tending have become great pastimes that allow all the stresses of the day to float away. I'm also problem solving on a small scale that seems to be helping my decision making in other areas. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the season. 

Next Installment: Supporting the vining plants


  1. Your garden looks great. This is one of the things that I truely miss about my parents. When they migrated north, they brought their green tumbs with them. Each year, we would enjoy corn, squash, greens, peppers, etc. Your garden looks like its going to give you a good yield. There's nothing better than fresh produce, free of all of the pesticdes & preservatives.

    Great post & beautiful promising graden Cherrie !! ☺

    1. Corey,
      Thanks for the well wishes. You too probably have a green thumb and don't realize it. I started a few years ago doing it and learned as I went. Pick one thing: tomatoes, squash, or green beans and grow them in a pot. That way it requires next to no effort. I went with the raised bed because the garden becomes like a potted plant that gives yield. You will thank me later because the drought in California is going to cause fruits and veggies to go through the roof.
