Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Christmas at the Beach

Sometimes in taking photos you wonder if you are just an unfeeling observer. And then, there are those special moments when you capture a scene that is full of emotion and you are more than glad you had your camera to save the moment.

We went to the beach a couple of weeks ago and just sat there enjoying the fact that the crowds of tourists from the summer had now gone further south... and then I saw this father and daughter playing near the water. There is such a sense of love that is captured in each of the following photos...

You literally feel the sense of playfulness in the Father as he gently urges the little girl to trust him and come forward.

I purposely wanted to get in that little bucket, because previously the little girl was more than happy to remain with it and safety. And now, she has grabbed the hand of her father and is willing to take the adventure of the sea.

And there they stand... facing future with the little girl holding on tight to her father and the safety he provides.

And the final photo. Those eyes... they make you wonder what is going on behind them...

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