Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Preparing The Younger Generation

Just before the holidays I was a panelist before a group of young women touring a college and considering their career choices. I looked at them in wonder as I remembered my own experience when I was their age. It was interesting to me because here was a group of eager young women being given all kinds of options and they were embracing the offer. As usual click each photo for a better view.

Prior to the panel speaking the young women were divided into groups to perform an experiment. These two seemed very focused.

And then they sprang into action and were ready to go.

This group was using a very methodical approach as well and seemed to be having a great time in the process. The science portion of the task did not seem to deter them at all.

The tools of the experiment were laid out in preparation to produce their results.

Next came the instructor setting up to do a neonatal nurse demonstration with an interactive baby. I was amazed at all the situations the simulation baby could mimic.

The girls were transfixed as well as the instructor walked among them pointing out the uses of the simulation baby and how it is used to prepare nursing students.

I gave my remarks and listened to the questions they had for all the panelists. Overall I left feeling uplifted. They may not have all the answers just yet or even the questions, but I was encouraged that their eagerness would ultimately carry them through.

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